
Yerwada, Pune, 411006.
Address: Yerwada, Pune, 411006.


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Why Eat the Ordinary When You Have the Extraordinary?


Eggs are universally loved and for good reason. They are not only delicious and versatile but also pack a powerful nutritional punch. Many people make eggs a staple of their daily meals because they are healthy, tasty, and easily available. Let’s delve into why eggs are considered one of the best food items for breakfast and how Power Eggs from Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd can elevate your morning routine.

The Nutritional Powerhouse

Eggs are loaded with essential nutrients that are vital for the overall development of the body. They are an excellent source of high-quality protein, which is crucial for muscle repair and growth. Additionally, eggs provide significant amounts of calcium, necessary for strong bones and teeth. If you are an egg lover, you might often say, “My healthy living starts with healthy eggs.”

Quality Matters: Are You Getting the Best?

While eggs are nutritious, it’s important to check their quality before purchasing. Do the eggs you buy have all the nutrients they claim? Often, there’s no guarantee. This is where Power Eggs from Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd come into the picture. These eggs are a superior and healthier alternative to regular eggs.

Why Choose Power Eggs?

Power Eggs are produced by hens that are richly fed, ensuring they contain all the essential nutrients you need. These eggs are not only packed with the usual proteins and calcium but also include Selenium, a mineral with numerous health benefits.

The Benefits of Selenium

Selenium plays a crucial role in:

  • Thyroid Function: It helps in the proper functioning of the thyroid gland, which is essential for regulating metabolism.
  • Immune System Support: Selenium boosts your immune system, helping you fend off illnesses.
  • Oxidative Stress Reduction: It helps reduce oxidative stress by keeping free radical numbers in check, which is vital for overall health.
  • Heart Health: By controlling oxidative stress, Selenium helps keep your heart healthy.

The Longevity of Power Eggs

Another advantage of Power Eggs is their good shelf life. They remain fresh and nutritious for up to 21 days from the date of production, making them a reliable choice for your daily diet.

Make the Switch to Power Eggs

Incorporating Power Eggs into your breakfast can make your meals healthier and more enjoyable. With their superior nutritional profile and extended shelf life, they are the perfect addition to your diet plan. So, when are you planning to add them to your diet?

For more information about Power Eggs and to make a purchase, give us a call today at 9130098788. Make your breakfast healthier and more happening with Power Eggs from Yojana Poultry Pvt Ltd. Your journey to better health starts here!



Comments (3)

August 18, 2021

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Alen Grey
August 18, 2021

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Ann Collins
August 18, 2021

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